Jumat, 15 September 2017

How to Finally Write Some Best Selling Fiction Books

Many of us wish we could write best selling fiction books. The truth is, most of us have amazing stories to tell. The problem lies in not knowing where to begin. Often, aspiring writers tend to over think their story before they've even started, and in the end they are left unhappy with any result they have. To avoid this problem, as well as other problems, consider these tips:

Start With Your Own Life
If you're not sure what to write about, just write about your own life, making it fictional. Fact has always been stranger than fiction, and you'll be surprised what writing about your life can show you and inspire you in terms of writing a story. There are many things about your life you can touch on, as you write, you can choose to expound on a specific element, later making that the theme of your book.

Add the Stories of Others
Though each human life is interesting, you may feel that yours needs some extra spice. Add some other interesting stories you know of that happened to people you know and are connected to your life. In the book, you can make it so that it happened to different characters. Adding these extra events will help shape your story's characters because you can begin to make composites of several people. Just make sure not to add too much, or else people may find the story too out of this world.

Touch on Sensitive Topics
Every person encounters hardship. Be sure to touch on this as well as other sensitive topics. These will always spark controversy or interest, and it will add a special dynamic to your story as well as the characters. Just be ready to face criticism as well as some possible hate mail, depending on what your stance on the particular topic is.

Write Without Criticism
One of the biggest secrets to getting your book done is "write now criticize later". If you get flashes o inspiration, don't ignore them, just write away (even if it shouldn't be on that page in the story.) you can always edit in the end, but your inspiration may come and go, so take advantage of it as much as you can. Write and write and don't even bother with grammar and spelling. Just get the story out there first.

At the end of the day, if you pour your heart and passion int your book, you can't go wrong. People are fascinated by other people. It's one of the reasons why literature is so well loved. You can win people over by just writing a story about genuine people from whatever perspective is most real to you. Do that and you're sure to have some best selling fiction books at the end of the day.

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